OVERVIEW : DEPORT is an Organic Certified Botanical Pest repellent to control Sucking Pests and also effective plant food. DEPORT is 100% organic combination of plant and animal extracts.
DEPORT is an Organic Certified Botanical Pesticide to control Sucking Pests and also effective plant food. DEPORT is an Organic Certified Botanical Pesticide to control Sucking Pests and also effective plant food.

DOSAGE :1 ml – 1.5 ml of DEPORT per litre of water for foliar spray application.

SIZES :100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml & 1 Litre


Certified under NPOP standards accredited by APEDA

Other Details


    DEPORT is combination of various Plant Extracts such as Allicin, Garlic, Chilly Seeds, Fish oil and others which are naturally available plant extracts.

    DEPORT delivers following advantages in plant:

    ■ Very effective on all types of sucking pests such as Cotton Thrips, Red spider Mites, and other similar Insects.
    ■ Plant extracts provides various useful Alkaloids which increases the plant’s SAR (Systemic Acquired Resistance).
    ■ Can be sprayed on the soil at Soil Preparation Stage to control soil insects.
    ■ Suitable for all stages from nursery to harvesting stages as it does not carry any residue in harvest.

    ■ Organic Matter -    60%
    ■ Organic Carbon -  18%
    ■ Plant Extract (Allicin, Gralic, Chilly Seeds, Fish Oil and others)-  40%
    ■ Carrier Oils -     40%
    ■ Organic Emulsifier -8%


    Sucking pests pierce plants with slender, sharp-pointed mouthparts and suck the plant sap. Withdrawal of the sap results in minute white, brown or red spotting on the leaves, fruits, or stems of the plant. It may also cause curling leaves, deformed fruit, general wilting, browning, and drying of the entire plant. Many of these pests are also resistant to pesticides.

    Some of these pests are important virus vectors, transmitting a range of plant virus. Virus-infected plants cannot be cured. However, control measures can be used to prevent or reduce the levels of the disease in crops by removing, or avoiding the sources of virus infection, and minimizing spread by these sucking pests. The mouthparts of sucking insects are developed for piercing and sucking. These pests damage plants by inserting their mouthparts into plant tissue and removing juices. Heavily infested plants become yellow, wilted, deformed or stunted, and may eventually die. Some sucking insects inject toxic materials into the plant while feeding, and some transmit disease organisms. The following are some examples of sucking insect

    Thrips :
    Thrips are minute insects that feed on pollen and tender plant tissue. They typically hide in the cracks and crevices of leaf buds, junctures, and flowers. They rasp the tissue and suck up the exuding sap. The leaves take on a silvery appearance after the thrips feed, and plants become stunted and deformed. Cause streaking of flowers or spotting of foliage. Occasionally cause foliage distortion. Usually produce tiny tar spots. Have complicated life cycle.

    Red Spider Mites :
    Red spider mites are a garden pest that affects a wide variety of plants. A plant that is infested by red spider mites will start to look unhealthy and will have a dusty appearance to the undersides of their leaves. Close inspection will reveal that the dust is actually moving and is in fact the spider mites. The plant may also have some webbing on the underside or on the branches of plant. You cannot easily make out the details of red spider mites with the naked eye but a simple magnifying glass can make the details more visible. A red spider mite will be all red. There are other kinds of spider mites, such as the two-spotted spider mite, that are partially red. Red spider mites will be all red. Knocking some off onto a piece of white paper will make it easier to distinguish the colors.

    Aphids :
    Often called plant lice, are small, soft-bodied insects. They range in color from black to green to yellow. Their numbers may greatly increase in a short time. They may cover the entire surface of a leaf or stem. They can be vectors of viruses.


    ■ Keep in a cool & dry place

    ■ Shake well before application

    ■ Keep out of reach from children & pets