OVERVIEW : DISCONNECT is an Organic Certified Botanical Pesticide to control White Fly, Mealy Bug, Jassid etc. and also an effective plant food.
DISCONECT is a combination of various Plants and Animal extracts like Berberine, Cinnamon, Fish Oil and others.

DOSAGE :1 ml – 1.5 ml of DISCONNECT per litre of water for foliar spray application.

SIZES :100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml & 1 Litre


Certified under NPOP standards accredited by APEDA

Other Details


    DISCONNECT, a certified organic botanical insect repellent to get rid out of these insects to have maximum crop yield.

    DISCONNECT delivers following advantages in plant:

    ■ Very effective on all types of Flies, White Fly, Mealy Bug, Jassid and other similar insects.
    ■ Plant extracts provides various useful Alkaloids which increases the plant’s SAR (Systemic Acquired Resistance).
    ■ Can be sprayed on the soil at Soil Preparation Stage to control soil insects.
    ■ Suitable for all stages from nursery to harvesting stages as it does not carry any residue in harvest.

    ■ Organic Matter -    10%
    ■ Mineral Potassium -  40%
    ■ Plant Extract Auxins(Berberine, Cinnamon, Fish Oil and others)-  4%
    ■ Carrier Oils -   40%
    ■ Organic Emulsifier -8%


    Whitefly :
    White-flies are tiny insects, measuring between 0.6 and 2 mm in length are often found in clusters on the undersides of leaves. They are easily recognized because of their white appearance caused by a waxy powder on wings and body. However, not all species are white; a few are dark grey or black in appearance and are thus referred to as black flies. They are active during the daytime, so they are easier to spot than some other nocturnal pests. White-flies are capable of over wintering and reproducing throughout the year in warmer climates.

    White-flies are not flies as their name implies but are soft bodied, winged insects closely related to aphids, mealy bugs and scale-insects. They can be found in most regions, but they are so tiny that they are usually camouflaged.

    White-flies ingest plant juices and in turn produce a sticky substance known as honeydew. Honeydew left on its own can cause fungal diseases to form on leaves. Plants will become extremely weak and may be unable to carry out photosynthesis. Leaves may dry out and turn yellow, and growth will be stunted eventually leading to plant death. Check undersides of leaves around the veins for flies, even if they aren’t visible, feel leaf surfaces for honeydew.

    In common with other members of their group they have piercing-sucking mouthparts which they use for feeding on plant sap. Both adults and nymphs damage plants by extracting sap from the leaves, which can result in severe yield reduction.

    Mealy Bug :
    Mealy bugs are very small, soft-bodied, oval-shaped insects that are covered with a white, powdery wax coating. In addition, many mealy bug species have projections extending from their body, giving them the appearance of having many legs on the side and rear of the body. When seen on plants, they look like very small spots of cotton. Mealy bugs move slowly, but when they find a suitable location on the plant, they often become immobile and form clusters on the plant.

    Mealy bugs are plant feeders and will infest most parts of their host plant. They normally are located on the underside of plant leaves and stems, and populate many outdoor plants such annuals, bushes and shrubs. Mealy bugs infest all plant parts; feeder roots, root crowns, stems, twigs, leaves, flowers, and fruit. Here, mealy bug infestations usually involve leaves (mostly undersides), stems, branches and joints. They feed by forcing their needle-like piercing mouthparts into the plant and use a sucking action to remove the plant juices. Mealy bugs attract ants by excreting honeydew, a sticky, sweet substance that the ants feed on. Plants infested with mealy bugs usually have leaves that turn yellow and wilt, and if the infestation is not eliminated, the plant may eventually die.

    Jassid or Leafhopper :
    Jassid lays yellowish white eggs, 0.73 mm long and 0.24 mm broad within the leaf tissues. The eggs can be seen within the leaf tissue by using a staining method or by dissecting the plant tissue under a binocular microscope.

    The initial symptoms of Jassid or leafhopper damage in all crops are leaves curl downwards, turn yellowish, then brownish before drying and shedding. Severe incidence lead to stunting of young plants and results in “hopper burn” injury. The fruiting capacity of the infested plant is significantly affected and in many cases heavy infestation on young plants cause death of plants. Severe incidence during the late season leads to reduced yields.


    ■ Keep in a cool & dry place

    ■ Shake well before application

    ■ Keep out of reach from children & pets