
OVERVIEW : YASHWARDHAN is a premium quality compost or soil conditioner processed under best technology and enriched with life giving microbes and natural sources of organic matter.

DOSAGE :■ For grain crops: 500Kg per acre as per soil requirements
■ For vegetables: 500Kg per acre
■ For fruit crops: 3kg to 5kg per tree/plant
■ For sugarcane, Banana and Grapes: 1000kg per acre
■ Can be applied at soil preparation time and at various development stages plant.

SIZES :50kg


Certified under NPOP standards accredited by APEDA

Other Details


    YASHWARDHAN is suitable for all crops. As it is a completely organic fertilizer, the issue of over-dosage is completely eliminated

    Economic Benefits of YASHWARDHAN -

    ■ Brings higher prices for organically grown crops.
    ■ Produces marketable products and a less-cost alternative to standard landfill cover, artificial soil amendments, and conventional bioremediation techniques.
    ■ Provides a source of plant nutrients and improves soil fertility; results in significant cost savings by reducing the need for water, pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, and nematodes.
    ■ Used as an alternative to natural topsoil in new construction, landscape renovations, and container gardens. Using YASHWARDHAN in these types of applications is not only less expensive than purchasing topsoil, but it can also often produce better results when establishing a healthy vegetative cover.
    ■ Used as mulch for trees, orchards, landscapes, lawns, gardens, and makes an excellent potting mix. Placed over the roots of plants, YASHWARDHAN mulch conserves water and stabilizes soil temperatures. In addition, it keeps plants healthy by controlling weeds, providing a slow release of nutrients, and preventing soil loss through erosion.

    Compost has been considered as a valuable soil amendment for centuries. Most people are aware that using composts is an effective way to increase healthy plant production, help save money, reduce the use of chemical fertilizers, and conserve natural resources. YASHWARDHAN provides a stable organic matter that improves the physical, chemical, and biological properties of soils, thereby enhancing soil quality and crop production. When correctly applied, YASHWARDHAN has the following beneficial effects on soil properties, thus creating suitable conditions for root development and consequently promoting higher yield and higher quality of crops.

    Improves the Physical Properties of Soils

    ■ Reduces the soil bulk density and improves the soil structure directly by loosening heavy soils with organic matter, and indirectly by means of aggregate-stabilizing humus contained in YASHWARDHAN. It improves root penetration and turf establishment.
    ■ Increases the water-holding capacity of the soil directly by binding water to organic matter, and indirectly by improving the soil structure, thus improving the absorption and movement of water into the soil. Therefore, water requirement and irrigation will be reduced.
    ■ Protects the surface soil from water and wind erosion by reducing the soil-dispersion action of beating raindrops, increasing infiltration, reducing water run-off, and increasing surface wetness. Preventing erosion is essential for protecting waterways and maintaining the quality and productivity of the soil.
    ■ Helps bind the soil particles into crumbs by the fungi or Actinomycetes mycelia contained in the YASHWARDHAN and stimulated in the soil by its application, generally increasing the stability of the soil against wind and water erosion.
    ■ Improves soil aeration and thus supplies enough oxygen to the roots and escapes excess carbon dioxide from the root space.
    ■ Increases the soil temperature directly by its dark colour, which increases heat absorption by the soil, and indirectly by the improved soil structure.
    ■ Helps moderate soil temperature and prevents rapid fluctuations of soil temperature, hence, providing a better environment for root growth. This is especially true of YASHWARDHAN used as a surface mulch.

    Enhances the Chemical Properties of Soils

    ■ Enables soils to hold more plant nutrients and increases the Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), Anion Exchange Capacity (AEC), and buffering capacity of soils for longer periods of time after YASHWARDHAN is applied to soils. This is important mainly for soils containing little clay and organic matter.
    ■ Builds up nutrients in the soil. YASHWARDHAN contains the major nutrients required by all plants [N,P,K, calcium (Ca), magnesium(Mg), and sulphur (S)] plus essential micronutrients or trace elements, such as copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), boron (B), and molybdenum (Mb).
    ■ The nutrients from YASHWARDHAN are released to the plants slowly and steadily. The benefits will last for more than one season.
    ■ Stabilizes the volatile nitrogen of raw materials into large protein particles during processing, thereby reducing N losses.
    ■ Provides active agents, such as growth substances, which may be beneficial mainly to germinating plants.
    ■ Adds organic matter and humus to regenerate poor soils.
    ■ Buffers the soil against rapid changes due to acidity, alkalinity, salinity, pesticides, and toxic heavy metals.

    Improves the Biological Properties of Soils

    ■ Supplies food and encourages the growth of beneficial microorganisms and earthworms.
    ■ Helps suppress certain plant diseases, soil borne diseases, and parasites.
    ■ Research has shown that YASHWARDHAN can help control plant diseases (e.g. Pythium root rot, Rhizoctonia root rot, chili wilt, and parasitic nematode) and reduce crop losses.

    ■ Keep in a cool & dry place

    ■ Keep out of reach from children & pets